Do it all with AttendZen
Have cake. Eat cake. Have more cake.
Unlimited events. Unlimited registrations. Everything you need to deliver personalised attendee experiences, all on one powerful platform for a simple, annual fee.
Do it all with AttendZen
Unlimited events. Unlimited registrations. Everything you need to deliver personalised attendee experiences, all on one powerful platform for a simple, annual fee.
Stop overpaying
With legacy platforms, every new event you set up is another excuse to charge you more money. We don’t think that’s fair. With AttendZen you can run as many events as you want throughout the year: big or small; free-to-attend or paid; in-person, virtual or hybrid. Go nuts. All for one, low annual fee.
Why do event platforms think they’re entitled to a cut of your revenue? Why are you paying them an extra $5 for every attendee, plus a percentage of the ticket price? When you’ve already paid to set the event up! AttendZen gives you unlimited registrations for all your events, all year. No extras.
Fed up with being asked to fork out $1000 just to remove the ‘Powered by Cvent’ label from YOUR event website? How about another $1000 to use YOUR domain name? Nicer template? That’s another $1000! Integrations? Even more! Come on. It’s a rip-off. With AttendZen, everything you need is included. Simple as that.
Reduce waste
Why pay thousands of dollars for separate registration, email, virtual, badging, audience engagement, CRM … tools? Instead, experience the world’s most affordable, unified event software. AttendZen’s all-in-one platform is the most comprehensive solution for your business events.
Transparent pricing
Getting a price out of legacy platforms is like getting is like solving a murder in an Agatha Christie novel. But less fun. It’s almost as though they want to find out how much you’re willing to pay, and charge you that! AttendZen’s pricing is simple, transparent and the same for everyone. And we’re not ashamed of it. In fact, here it is.
That’s right. AttendZen gives you unlimited events with unlimited registrations, websites, emails etc, for a whole year for one fixed price. And you don’t have to pay extra to enable every little feature you need.
Your AttendZen subscription gets you in-person, virtual, registrations, email marketing, websites, check-in, badging, CRM, integrations, financial management … everything you need to run beautiful, efficient business events. Everything is white label and includes our unrivalled support from real human experts.
Fed up with bouncing around between disconnected tools and services? Let us show you how to have your cake and eat it.