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AttendZen vs. Eventbrite

The affordable Eventbrite alternative that puts you in control.

Own your data. Put your brand first. Customise everything and get paid as soon as customers register.

Weighing up AttendZen and Eventbrite AttendZen Eventbrite


AttendZen is an end-to-end, white-label event management platform designed for business events. AttendZen enables organisers to market conferences and corporate events, register attendees and engage audiences in-person and virtually – while keeping attendee data private and secure.


Eventbrite is an online marketplace for live experiences that enables its users to search for, find, and create events. Eventbrite provides ticketing for a range of consumer and business events including concerts, entertainment, sporting, community events and classes.

There’s no such thing as a free lunch.

Good old Eventbrite. It’s used by millions of people around the world. It’s simple, robust and (providing your event is free) there’s no charge! What’s not to like?

But if you’re using it for business events, there are some things you should probably know.

Woman holding laptop

Data ownership

Eventbrite owns your data.

When attendees register for your event via Eventbrite, Eventbrite owns the attendees’ data. This data doesn’t belong to you. Eventbrite store attendees’ data in the US and they can also move the data to anywhere in the world. They have the right to retain it for as long as you are registered to the service. Eventbrite are also free to transfer this data to 3rd parties.

Cross marketing

Eventbrite markets competing events to your customers.

Even as your prospective attendee is making up their mind whether to go ahead and register for your event, Eventbrite is showing them a list of similar events from other organisers they may wish to consider. Oh, and Eventbrite’s terms of service give them explicit permission to send offers and solicitations to your customers for other people’s events.


Your brand is subsidiary to the Eventbrite brand.

Eventbrite is a marketplace for lots of peoples’ events. So, when you put your conference on Eventbrite, their logo dominates the top of your registration page. It’s on the top of every page and there’s no way to remove it – however much you end up paying them. It’s also on every email (invitation, confirmation etc) that your attendees receive. Great for Eventbrite. Not great for you.

Uncapped fees

It can actually get really expensive.

If you’re using Eventbrite for paid events, that commission can really add up. And it’s uncapped. Costs can spiral out of control pretty quickly. Use Eventbrite Pro for a conference with 500 attendees costing $500 and you’ll pay more than $10,000.* For one event!

Woman shocked at the bill
Man holds his head in worry

Delayed payment

You don’t get any of your revenue until after your event.

Eventbrite waits until 4–5 days after your event to release your funds. Eventbrite also reserves the right to withhold a percentage of your funds at its absolute discretion.

Wait a minute! How come it’s so popular?

Well, it gets the job done. And while lots of smaller businesses and non-profits would love to use enterprise-grade, white-label event management software, legacy platforms like Cvent are just too expensive.

Cvent, for example, will typically charge more than $10,000 to handle registrations for one event. Plus, a per-attendee fee of $6 or more, even if the event is free. And that, my friend, is where we come in.

No more compromises

Eventbrite users turn to AttendZen because:

Data ownership

Total ownership and control over your customer data. Nobody gets contacted without you initiating it.

One fixed price, all your events

Unlimited events, unlimited registrations, unlimited marketing emails – no commissions, no extra costs.

100% white label

An exclusive online presence for your event where the only brand your registrants ever see is YOURS.

No distractions

No rival events trying to lure your customers away; no sales pitches for the platform itself – just your event.

Proper websites

A fully branded, immersive website for each of your events with as many pages, components and features as you need.

Virtual events

Use our built-in, fully featured virtual event environment with enterprise-grade streaming – no need for third-party plug-ins.

Badging and check-in

Get fast, contactless check-in; design beautiful branded badges and print them on-demand.

Email marketing

Segment your invitation lists and send stunning, branded emails and invitations from within the platform.

Integrated CRM

Organise contacts, manage follow-ups; track and nurture every registration sales journey from start to finish.

Get paid right away

Receive all the revenue from your event, as it comes in, no exceptions, using your preferred payment service provider.

AttendZen gives you more

AttendZen Eventbrite


Unlimited registrations
✔ ✗
Fully customisable registration forms (with conditional logic)
✔ ✔
Let registrants upload ID photo
✔ ✗
Multiple custom registration (ticket) types
✔ ✔
✔ ✔
Group bookings
✔ ✗
Registration notifications (email to client – optional)
✔ ✔
Customise registration summary
✔ ✗
Customise confirmation screen
✔ ✗
White-label, brandable confirmation emails
✔ ✗
Allow attendee self-editing
✔ ✗
Public or private access to registration page
✔ ✔
Scannable QR codes on tickets / confirmation emails
✔ ✔
✔ ✔
Registration pre-approval
✔ ✗
Discount codes
✔ ✔
Map registration fields to contact records
✔ ✗

Event website builder

Full white label event website
✔ ✗
Drag & drop website builder
✔ ✗
Create unlimited pages
✔ ✗
Pre-built components
✔ ✗
Choice of pre-designed themes
✔ ✗
Theme customisation
✔ ✗
200+ integrated fonts + import Adobe custom fonts
✔ ✗
Customisable navigation
✔ ✗
Single event landing page
✔ ✔
Drag & drop agenda builder
✔ ✗
Support for multiple event tracks
✔ ✗
Custom URL
✔ ✗
✔ ✗

Email marketing

Send unlimited marketing emails
✔ $
Send fully-brandable white-label emails
✔ ✗
Drag & drop email builder
✔ ✗
Full email personalisation with merge data tags
✔ ✗
Segmentation tools
✔ ✗
Email scheduling and automation
✔ ✔
Pre-send email testing
✔ ✔
Real-time reporting and analytics
✔ ✗
Double opt-in for new email signups
✔ ✗
Easy, self-service unsubscribe
✔ ✔

Event CRM

Contact management (including segmentation of mailing lists)
✔ ✗
Create custom CRM fields
✔ ✗
Upload unlimited contacts
✔ ✗
Link people and organisation records
✔ ✗
Dynamic field mapping
✔ ✗
Segment using data tags
✔ ✗
Built-in GDPR compliance tools
✔ ✗
Interaction-based lead scoring
✔ ✗
Set prospect type, value and win probability
✔ ✗
Record contact origin
✔ ✗
Contact timeline
✔ ✗
Create and assign tasks
✔ ✗
Set follow-up reminders
✔ ✗
Set ‘do not call/email’ permissions
✔ ✗

Virtual events

Fully-integrated virtual event environment
✔ ✗
Integrated live-streaming
✔ ✗
Integrated simulive streaming
✔ ✗
Stream multiple concurrent live sessions
✔ ✗
RTMP compatible
✔ ✗
Automatic live captioning
✔ ✗
Branded welcome lobby
✔ ✗
Direct messaging
✔ ✗
Private, unlimited P2P video chat among attendees
✔ ✗
Session-wide live chat
✔ ✗
Live polling
✔ ✗
Q&A (including moderated)
✔ ✗
Session rating tool
✔ ✗
Push notifications
✔ ✗
Unlimited virtual booths + tiered booth sizes
✔ ✗
Connect your own streaming service (Vimeo, YouTube, etc)
✔ ✔

Check-in and badging

Check-in app with QR code scanning
✔ ✔
Drag & drop custom badge designer
✔ ✗
On-demand badge printing
✔ ✗
Integrate with third-party badge providers
✔ ✔

Financial management

International currencies
✔ ✗
Choose your own Payment Service Provider
✔ ✗
Stripe integration
✔ ✗
Credit card or invoice payments
✔ ✗
PCI compliant
✔ ✔
Automatic invoice generation
✔ ✗
Customised invoicing
✔ ✗
Tax table
✔ N/A
Tax engine integration
✔ N/A

Reporting and analytics

Comprehensive event dashboard
✔ ✔
Sales / RSVP summary dashboard
✔ ✔
Revenue dashboard
✔ ✔
Email marketing dashboard
✔ ✗
Virtual event engagement dashboard
✔ ✗
Custom event reporting
✔ ✔
Detailed analytics by ticket type
✔ ✔
Detailed exports of all data
✔ ✔

Security and Compliance

GDPR compliance tools
✔ ✔
Multi-Factor Authentication
✔ ✔
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
✔ ✔
Access to compliance reports
✔ ✗


Self-service knowledgebase
✔ ✔
Email/chat support
✔ ✔
Dedicated account manager
✔ ✗

* Based on Eventbrite Pro in the United States market where the Eventbrite Service Fee of 3.7% of the ticket price is levied + $1.79 per sold ticket, such that 500 tickets sold – each costing $500 – would result in a total fee to Eventbrite of $10,145 ($9,250 + $895). These fees exclude the Eventbrite Payment Processing Fee which represents a further charge of 2.9% per order. Pricing correct as of July 2023.

Ready to upgrade your events and take back control of your data?

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